Dr. Sarah Borwein
Dr Sarah Borwein is a Canadian physician who has lived and worked in Hong Kong and Beijing for more than 23 years. She worked as a staff physician at the Beijing United Family Hospital where she was Director of Infection Control during the SARS outbreak in 2003. After returning to Hong Kong, she became a founding partner in 2005 of what is now a large multi-disciplinary medical group, where she practiced until 2021.
Although she practices across the full family medicine spectrum, her special interests include women’s health, preventive medicine, travel & tropical medicine, infectious diseases and mental health.
In addition to patient care, she has been involved with infectious disease surveillance both globally and locally through GeoSentinel (a worldwide communication and data collection network for the surveillance of travel-related morbidity), the Travax International Partner program, and the Hong Kong Department of Health. She is a past president of the Asia Pacific Travel Health Society.
Having first-hand experience in the SARS epidemic in Beijing in 2003, and the COVID-19 epidemic in Hong Kong in 2020-2021, Sarah has spoken, advised, and written extensively about the pandemic.
She looks after a significant refugee population, is medical advisor to Outward Bound HK and to the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong. Her community involvements include sitting on the Executive Committees of the United Jewish Congregation of Hong Kong and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong. She is a council member of the Licentiate Medical Society of Hong Kong, an organisation that represents doctors trained outside of Hong Kong.
Sarah graduated from the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine in 1999 and then obtained Fellowship in Family Medicine from the College of Family Physicians of Canada, as well as an MSc in Infectious Diseases from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She successfully recertified as a Licentiate of the Medical Council of Hong Kong in 2005. She is married and has three grown children; she enjoys hiking, Pilates and yoga and used to love to travel.
Ms Chan was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Investment Corporation Limited in October 2023. She is a barrister admitted by the High Court of Hong Kong. She was the Executive Director (Monetary Management) of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority from 2020 to 2023, and Chief Investment Officer (Private Markets) of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority before then. She was an Administrative Officer in the Hong Kong SAR Government from 2004 to 2010, covering areas including home affairs, transport and financial services.
Ms Chan is the co-chair of the World Economic Forum Global Future Council on Responsible Investing, a Council member of Lingnan University and a Board member of Karen Leung Foundation dedicated to work relating to gynaecological cancers. She received the Asia Industry Leadership Award of the 100 Women in Finance in 2016. She was also on the global list of 40 under 40 named by the Private Equity International.
Ms Chan is an advocate for diversity and ESG awareness in the finance industry, and has been a frequent speaker on relevant topics.
Seth Fischer
除身兼梁愷昍婦癌基金會創辦人及董事局成員,Seth 亦是 Oasis Management 的創辦人,目前為該機構投資領導;Karen 生前是 Oasis Management 旗下交易員,常於東京和香港辦事處間穿梭。Seth 擁有美國紐約葉史瓦大學政治學學士學位,目前以香港為基地,領導基金會各方面的日常發展。
Seth 一向熱心貢獻社區,過往曽參與以色列國防軍,目前則為香港猶太教國際學校董事局成員之一,亦是猶太教莉亞堂管理委員會副主席。他和太太 Nealy 及四名子女現居於香港。
王彥琳 (Connie) 於2017年加入基金會的董事局,進一步幫助基金會實現意願,和表揚她的已故好友 Karen 的精神。Connie 除在亞太地區 Capital Markets 任職理事長,還參與高偉紳律師事務所的亞太領導小組。在 20 年的職業生涯中,Connie 長袖善舞,曾幫助多間香港和國內公司有關證券在國際債務資本市埸上的問題,亦為多項重要交易提供意見。此外,Connie 十分關注種族多元化和性別平等問題,現時為高偉紳律師事務所的 Hong Kong Women's Network 出任主席。她畢業於新加坡國立大學,取得法律學士學位,現時她和丈夫及兩名幼女居住在香港。
Waqas Khatri
Waqas 是梁愷昍婦癌基金會的創辦人之一。Waqas 與梁愷昍 (Karen) 在港認識 並相戀,渡過了數年的甜蜜時光後於2012年1月共諧連理。然而,期間 Karen 不幸患上子宮頸癌,在她抗癌過程中 Waqas 陪伴左右,並深深體會到本港女性其實可有更多機會預防並及早驗出惡性腫瘤。於是他成立梁愷昍婦癌基金會去實現 Karen 的遺願。
Waqas 具遠見、壯志和領導才華,職場資歷亦相當卓越,包括持有美國瓦瑟學院的計算機科學及經濟學學士銜頭,也創辦了 Ayrton Capital ,成為其投資領導。Waqas 現時居於紐約,並繼續致力把自己的才能和經驗注入基金會。
Delphine Le Court
Delphine於2025 年 1 月加入梁愷昍婦癌基金會董事會,以進一步推動基金會的事業並支持團隊的各項項目。
Delphine 是一位法國一家銀行的高級投資銀行家,過去 17 年來在多個城市工作。她幫助企業通過專注跨境併購交易來擴展業務。Delphine是包容性和性別議題的堅定支持者,也是「100 名金融女性」組織成員,該組織旨在通過促進多樣性來建立一個更加多元化和性別平等的金融行業。
Myra Cheung
Myra Cheung 是基金會的資深顧問,她為預防子宮頸癌和 HPV 相關癌症的策略發展和計劃設計提供策略和技術監督。Myra 擅長於設計、執行和評估健康促進政策、策略和干預措施,她熱衷於能力建構,並設計具有文化敏感性、以實證為基礎的策略,讓社區在身心靈上都能茁壯成長。
過去八年來,Myra 曾在柬埔寨、加拿大、香港、新加坡和贊比亞等地廣泛工作。她曾與不同的利益相關者合作,包括政府、非政府及政府間組織,例如新加坡衛生部、新加坡健康促進局、贊比亞衛生部、美國食品藥物管理局、聯合國兒童基金會及柬埔寨 HKI。她的工作範圍從上游政策發展到以社區為基礎的介入,以推動行為改變、改善健康成果和提高生活品質。這些多元化的經驗讓她對於駕馭複雜的公共衛生環境,以及促進多部門合作以達到永續的健康成果和影響力,有了更廣泛的了解。
目前,Myra 在香港浸會大學創新服務學習中心擔任高級戰略領導,通過建立教職員與社區組織之間的合作關係,制定策略以促進本科生服務學習課程的社會影響力。
Myra 是香港社區健康從業員協會的資深會員。她擁有倫敦衛生和熱帶醫學學院的公共衛生(健康促進)碩士學位,以及加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學的細胞生物學、遺傳學和人類營養學學士學位。
Sangeeta Dale
Sangeeta Dale 於 2024 年 7 月被任命為臨床項目經理,負責執行和監督 KLF 有史以來第一個由內部執行的網上癌症康復者復健計劃。
Sangeeta 擁有豐富國際經驗,領導非營利、臨床和商業機構,在各個職能部門建立真誠的關係並推動影響和結果。她對前線工作充滿幹勁,無論是為有需要的社區提供基層支持,還是在手術環境中提供臨床培訓。
Sangeeta 的願望既關注利潤又關注目標。她熱衷於分享她的專業知識,並做出有意義的貢獻,同時致力於社會和環境責任,以及財務措施,以實現目標。她熱衷於運用自己廣大的人際網路來實現 KLF 的專案需求。
Sangeeta 熱愛樹木和大自然。她喜歡收集各式各樣的音樂,也熱愛拍攝街頭藝術,經常探索世界,走在人跡罕至的小路上。Sangeeta 常駐英國和香港,能說五種語言。
郭蕙慈 (Pat) 於2022年十月份加入梁愷昍婦癌基金會。她對於行政事務以及人力資源管理有著豐富經驗,在過去多年曾經參與多個慈善和商業組織的工作。Pat積極主動地管理基金會辦公室的日常運作,她資深的經驗讓她能應對快節奏的工作環境,並且隨時迎接新的挑戰。
Katharina Reimer
Katharina 於2017年1月加入基金會董事局成為執行董事,竭力領導基金營運、籌款和發展等範疇。
Katharina 曾在公營機構及私營公司的財務部門工作,對籌款、宣傳和市場傳訊等極具經驗。除工作外,她還熱衷慈善活動,積極提倡婦女及其家庭健康的重要性,推動有關教育,因此亦身兼數個慈善機構委員及基金董事局成員。Katharina 致力將從公私營機構累積的卓越技能與國際人脈用作拓展基金。
Katharina 在英國布里斯托的西英格蘭大學取得學士學位,並在德國的柏林經濟暨法律應用科學大學榮獲碩士學位。目前她與丈夫及幼女在港定居。