August 2019 Newsletter



Dear Friends and Supporters, 
Following Helper Appreciation Month (July), this coming month the Karen Leung Foundation is launching a new screening initiative addressing the low cervical screening rates among Foreign Domestic Workers (FDW’s).
The program aims to address the gaps in education and awareness around cervical cancer, and provides access to screening at no cost to this often underserved community. The initiative features an HPV DNA self-collection test, which is a promising new primary screening method for cervical cancer.  It runs on selected Sunday’s at the clinic of our project partner Dedicare. More details on the program and participation criteria can be found on our website and we encourage you to share the message to appropriate females. 

With very best wishes,
Katharina & the Team at KLF



Upcoming Events

Join us for KLF's annual luncheon and hear from our expert panel speakers, how we can empower oneself and loved ones to priorities personal well-being and the prevention of serious illnesses in a busy metropole such as Hong Kong.  
The luncheon is an opportunity for participants to network and connect with corporates across sectors, business leaders, academics and representatives from the medical field.
If you missed us at Sohn HK this year, the event will also provide a preview of our upcoming work and how the Foundation plans to expand its work across Hong Kong to tackle the ongoing challenges of gynaecological cancer awareness, prevention and care. All luncheon proceeds will be donated towards our new 2020 initiatives.

Reserve your ticket today!


