Social impact through sustainability and innovation!


Posted on 04 May, 2023

Congratulations to Dr. Shahani Amjah, Program manager of Karen Leung Foundation on being selected by The University of Hong Kong -UBS  for the Sustainable and Social Innovation Leadership Program 2023.

The challenges today’s world faces are ever-more complex. Nonprofit leaders need to be innovative and sustainable to improve our society. HKU and UBS have therefore co-founded the HKU-UBS Sustainable and Social Innovation Leadership Programme (SSILP) with a mission to build capacity and competence of current and future leaders of NPOs.

We are excited to be part of this exciting new journey for both herself and KLF and we cheer her on as she competes for "best non profit program" with a prize worth 400,000HKD. 

SSILP is partnered with RTHK, Operation Santa Clause HK & Wofoo Foundation.


恭喜來自梁愷昍婦癌基金會的項目經理 Dr. Shahani Amjah 被香港大學選中成為 HKU-UBS Sustainable and Social Innovation Leadership Program 2023的一分子。現今面臨的挑戰對比以前更為繁複,非牟利組織領導者需要具有創新性和可持續性以改善社會不同的問題。為此香港大學和瑞銀集團合辦了HKU-UBS Sustainable and Social Innovation Leadership Programme (SSILP)來為現在和未來培養具備能力的非牟利組織領導者。對於Dr. Shahani的獲選以及我們能夠有機會參與其中,我們感到十分榮幸。Dr. Shahani將會為KLF爭取港幣40萬元的獎金,我們一起為她加油打氣!